Work In War Zones And Crisis Areas

Only a few places need to send free repeatedly employees at their locations in war zones and crisis areas businesses operating SAFSEC training international, even if the danger is there constantly. A risk assessment training can help these employees to prepare optimally for their usage and to acquire the necessary knowledge to best to protect their team members. The PAS TEAM established as an instructor of journalists and Kriegsberichterstattern invites representatives of all professions to its next safety & security training (SAFSEC) preparation for use in war and crisis zones. The three-day training is held from 17th to 19th October 2008 on the PAS TEAM training ground in Lower Franconia. It can apply even participants, the places are limited. Through a comprehensive preparation for use in the foci to their employees such as architects, technicians and engineers, security guards, drivers, interpreters or administrative staff help companies before the Hazards to protect.

Detailed knowledge of the military organisations, knowledge about the effects of weapons, ammunition, mines, and last but not least a first aid training can save lives correct behaviour in conflict situations. The three-day seminars of renowned provider of risk assessment training PAS TEAM convey precisely this expertise and are based on the latest findings from the war zones and crisis areas of the world. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. John Mcdougall. They include four lessons in usage – and real-world scenarios where the correct tactical behaviour in regions with hostile or terrorist threat, as well as team leadership and crisis management in extreme situations are practised. Content of the training are among other things: proper behavior in attacks on the Group existence typical threats proper actions in case of extreme emergency help and self help for medical emergencies behavior tactics for capture – or hostage-taking crisis management in extreme situations reconditioning mental stress in the Group’s makeshift Orient at Day and night build proper shelters tactical behaviour in unfriendly areas of food production from the nature and making structures of military units in the of intercultural of country of use peculiarities of the country of use effect of weapons, ammunition and mines possibilities of personal protection mine action / mine customer, hazards, protection compilation of personal equipment for use assembling the medical emergency equipment services include: full Board, Accommodation and shuttle medical care/protection handout/manual documents/certificates evidence first aid in extreme situations, images and reports from the training end of Mission of BBQ and memory present more information will find interested parties

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