The Players

The performance of the players was lower than the swimmers, and more years of football practice the results were poorer. (23) Adrienne D. Witol and Frank M. Webbe conducted a study that investigated the presence of neuropsychological deficits associated with the action to head the ball to play football. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out James A. Levine, M.D.. A battery of neurocognitive tests were performed at 60 football players from amateur, professional and high school players and 12 non-participants as a control group. Examined the effects of pitch in now and the experience to head over their lives in the tests carried out. Players with the highest accumulation of pitching in their lives had poorer results on tests that assess attention, concentration, cognitive flexibility and general intellectual function. Learn more at this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin. In the players nodded in Today was less predictable neurocognitive level. actively involved in the matter.

When comparing individual results with age-appropriate norms revealed higher probability of clinical levels of deficit players pitching more often in their lives (24). To determine the presence of chronic brain injury traumaricas in professional football players underwent neuropsychological tests to 53 professional players in different professional activity Netherlands and compared to a control group of 27 elite athletes in noncontact sports. The players showed impaired performance in memory and processing planning visopercepcion when compared with the control group. Among the professional performance was inversely related to the number of shocks that occurred during the game and the frequency of nodding the ball. Performance on these tests also varied by position in the field with the players front and advocates who allegedly nod more often) showing further deterioration.

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