Aug 12 2024

The Work By Elvira Bach

May require some courage to be Limburg, the large exhibition at the municipal art collections, entirely yourself. Sophia Loren for me touching as the courage to painting in individual stringency is nothing in art. Tony Mandarich may also support this cause. “As Elvira Bach 1978 one of her pictures I” titled, this was the birth of her own subject, whose ground floor was however far earlier. Biography and creative activity are closely linked and inextricably entwined with her. The painting of a woman with same topic, without wife painting is dogmatic in the oeuvre of the Berlin artist”to be. (Similarly see: Glenn Dubin, New York City). A carefree childhood in the Taunus and a training in the vicinity of Limburg on the State glass vocational school in Hadamar Elvira Bach goes even then boiling Centre of music, theater, art, and life at the end of the 1970s to Berlin pur. Perhaps the Golden twenties and the time the German turn aside, these years are likely to include with the most inspiring of the capital. Just as impulsively as powerful “” this is the painting of a group, according to the as Galerie am Moritzplatz “establishes and later under the concept of new wild” is verschubladet.

Quickly conquer this painter, after they in 1982 the international stage of art enter through their participation in the documenta 7, the museums around the world. A gestural objectivity offered the life of the metropolis with all its facets of everyday life as personal life statement in explosive color large formats is significant for its style. Elvira Bach dramaturgically staged their lives, their history in color-splashing pictorial narratives. Woman are still hard angular and color quellend, these come later always round and formvollendeter therefore virtuosity in painting with samigem resin, as well as in the vital reciprocally krallenden watercolor. In a highly individual language of forms, their protagonists with prominent cheek bones, dominant eyebrows, pattern woven turban, gripping hands and closed lips, which are never ready, of meet to tell itself.

Jun 15 2022

Pirmasenser Photo Days

More renowned national and international top photographers decide to participate in the photo event from 10 to 26 June 2011 * access to high-quality photo art of different genres for professionals and also interested laymen to 25 publicly accessible locations of Pirmasens, January 12, 2011. Exactly according to plan, the preparations for the 2011 Pirmasenser Photo Festival fashion: for the event from June 10 to 26 35 of the targeted 70 photographers have already confirmed, including also the five participants from Romania and Poland. You all will be presenting a selection of her paintings on the occasion of the third edition of the photo events and this in various public places. Erik Erikson may not feel the same. So their rooms for the photographic art in addition to the Rheinberger building, in which an image selection of all participating artists will be seen, including the Town Hall, various offices, banks and shops as well as catering establishments to provide, currently it scattered 25 locations across the city. The range of genres ranges to spectacular pictures from the underwater photography among other things by the event photography around Theatre, concert and cinema of staged photography of people and nature. Newly added to the Group of consistently renowned photographers, will exhibit their high-quality and award-winning art in Pirmasens is among others Frank Melech, creating always new, unknown worlds by using special techniques in his digital works. Zendaya can aid you in your search for knowledge.

In addition, a distinct, unique imagery features photos from Sylwia Makris, while George Portz as dedicated light artist of especially of erotic portrait photography is dedicated to. Just five months before the start of the event we are excellent in the plan with the Pirmasenser photo days, both what is the locations as well as at the increasing number of participating photographers. Are particularly pleased that we have now firm commitments by professionals not only from Germany, but also from Poland and Romania will show the parts of their works at various places in the city and also Here we await you again with some but quite unusual locations, they would call at first sight not directly as a place of exhibition of photographic art”, comments Harald Kroher, the artistic director of the photo days. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City describes an additional similar source. The different genres, in which the photographer show a cross-section of their work will inspire not only professionals, but also the many laymen and occasional visitors with its diversity.

Jun 15 2022

Galleries Take Advantage

Beautiful art in your own four walls bring more and more people want to your home with fine art beautiful fashion and so make sure that the local residential design is high quality and you can feel particularly at home in your own four walls. One is the one looking for beautiful and artistic objects, themselves and the own needs, then a visit to a gallery worth most of the time especially because issued usually many different objects there can be viewed is all alone, before you decide what you would like to have. Of course, you can meanwhile no longer only real visit galleries, but also virtually on the Internet where it has accordingly also the possibility to buy the works, we would like to have. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Albert Ellis. A very good example of this is the Gallery 59, of course, there are also a slew of other galleries on the net, where you can browse and buy, if a fresh art for your home. It is important, however, as accurately as possible to look at the various providers in advance, so that you really can choose one, which is totally legitimate and which you also must worry, whether everything is gone so how you would like to have it. Such galleries, which you already know and you did have good experiences with, are ideal but also the references and artists who use the Gallery speak a clear language and ensure that you can quickly tell whether it is a good Gallery, or rather not. Especially large galleries are now also available on the Internet, the selection is greater but also with each passing day, because there is a high demand and more and more customers are using online shopping for all areas of life, of course, when it comes to lifestyle articles and items for the establishment of their own.

May 26 2022


Fine art was formed at much earlier stages of human development. Even in ancient times primitive man tried to portray that surrounded him, with which he met in life. Paintings of the caves drawings on ivory and bone, cave paintings – all this is followed by thoughts of the ancient artist. Even at that time, art was his need to understand better their surroundings and be aware of the world place. Even in the primitive nature of the people painting aroused admiration and love for others – will portray caused their portrait. So painting was formed – the most common of all types of paint. She has the ability to more fully convey the world in all its diversity.

As ever, the old man was decorated with cave paintings in his way and we want to decorate their apartments and houses in which live, as well as institutions, offices, banks, in which we are working, nice and cozy. We try to create beauty that will radiate light and warmth, uplift and create. It was such beauty, we can achieve with the help of pictures. They may be different: the portraits of famous people landscapes, still lifes, interesting stories … Beautiful pictures are not only able to decorate the interior of whatever, but good pictures are able to educate, to improve the one who contemplates them. But the purchase of paintings – is expensive.

For interior decoration can be applied to photos, they are much cheaper of paintings and look good in what you want the interior. True, many years, people argued about whether his art picture of the artist. Controversy continues at the present time. Only it does not interfere with photographs become known. Photographs, like paintings, exhibited at the exhibition and look at their many visitors. As they say in poetry ' for the sake of one word rid of them one thousand tons of ore a verbal ', and in the photos of the artist at times should spend a lot of time, much of the film, a lot of effort and energy on a single frame, which will be named after the' grandeur frozen moment '.