The Tortoise

All information to most popular land turtle species of in Germany. There are turtles on our Earth for about 60 million years. The tortoise has, thanks to their ability to adapt to managed, even today is still to survive in the wild without complications. It is mainly found in their natural environment in the warmer Mediterranean up to maximum 1500 meters height. It is about 30cm long, is among the small to medium-sized turtles and their striking tanks is black yellow colored.

The tortoise is one of the vegetarians and a douche reptile is so depends on their survival of sunlight and warm temperatures. With good living conditions, a tortoise is up to 100 years old, which sometimes makes it a popular pet. Before eingehends, the posture of the tortoise who wants to keep a tortoise as a pet, should deal with the keeping of these animals. It requires very plenty of space and is happy not only to be kept despite their rather lack of social behavior. In an abgesichterten garden or a correspondingly large enclosures, she feels visually comfortable and can their natural instincts, as Sun, digging, climbing investigate and explore the environment. Also should have a retreat the tortoise in any case, this is equipped with a heat lamp. The tortoise and the hibernation expires in early October she then, they should be prepared in 8-10 weeks long winter sleep on them in welfare, by placing the food supply first restricted and then completely off her. Does not apply to water! Furthermore never Tortoise it is important with salad to feed vegetables or fruit, because these foods seen cause intestinal problems the turtles in the long term. Dandelion, clover, nettles and other wild herbs, ideal to them with the most important minerals to provide and in parallel to clean their intestine. In principle, the tortoise is a frugal pet, yet needed a good and proper care in captivity, to achieve their high life expectancy.

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