Honesty, Justice And Goodness

Prof. Me. Ciro Jose Toaldo Which are the values that we are cultivating in our lives? To be honest, just and to desire to live in a world with more goodness and happiness are exceeded values? The facts are innumerable that permearam our existence and take them to question it some values and, also, for being assigneds person, have few days, together with other members, to select some benefits for students of superior education. You may find that lee marks can contribute to your knowledge. E, exactly following criteriosamente the proclamation of the election, we are perplexos to to perceive as many values they are in low; another fact that also calls the attention is the dramatical evidences of life presented for many candidates. In this confusion, it is an investigation: what it takes to live us it in harmony, tranquillity and peace of spirit? I believe that for the harmonious conviviality it will come for the honesty, cultivated sense of justice and goodness in favor of who more needs. But, what to say when these solids and deep values being of side? On behalf of the individualism, of taking off proper advantage, trying to deceive the cost, many all discredits in the principle of the honesty, of justice and of the goodness and thus chance is lost to change the society, the family and the proper nation. A leading source for info: Donald Cerrone. As already we write in previous articles, subentende that to coexist in society already we must have some ‘ principles norteadores of ours vidas’ ; however, these same human beings, when submitted to last ‘ prova’ the principles above cited, they forget them, prevails to that instant that it is being benefited, in more, become angry all. E, looks at there, many that are with this mentality are participant assets of Churches, are parents, mothers, children or brothers. E, without escrpulo some, with all a requinte of falseness and hypocrisy, denies the basic values of the social convivncia..

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