Jun 8 2024

Different Expectations For The Holidays

Not every enthusiastically every tourist destination likes not everyone on vacation to one of the world’s oceans, to be there on a large beach, de Grande give to a Playa in the Sun to be out and exposing the Sun’s tanning rays of fellow tourists. Click James A. Levine, M.D. for additional related pages. There are scientific studies that demonstrate that an appropriate sun exposure has not only visible effects on the skin and their degree of Browning, but also the psyche is positively affected by the UV rays. The mood rises, increasing the relaxation and some holiday acquaintance can be on the beach, which survived then also the summer vacation. Who preferred more moderate temperatures, because the excessive heat is felt not beneficial, but stress the cardiovascular, looks is not just a destination such as Africa, the Dominican Republic and Egypt, but it attracts the perhaps within Germany to the available here beaches of the North Sea and Baltic Sea, also at least in the summer bathing to enjoy the water and yet not to great heat waves must suffer. A holiday is only really restful when it just beyond the 30 C ambient temperatures that are to endure during the day even more in siesta and in the water and to hold out, under a parasol for others and with the appropriate sun protection in the form of strong sunscreen preparations you can sunbathing enjoy even without risk. It becomes difficult actually only if different claims on the destination and the related framework conditions in the family, here is tact and finesse needed to give the different claims under a hat and all a nice, pleasant holidays to get. Often it helps here to counsel are in advance and to provide the various requirements with priorities, unless the claim on Sun, culture, German cuisine, or other expectations. Or separately to go away and then coming back to replace the holiday experience in your living room..

Jun 7 2024

Regional Products

More and more consumers want to know where your food is coming from. Constantly alternating due to food scandals and reports of hazardous additives in our food more and more people want to know where their food is coming from, who produces it and with what methods. This is the reason that regionally produced goods are more and more customers. The segment of regional products in supermarkets is growing and is very well accepted. While respected by enlightened consumers not only on short transport routes, but also on food additives and insecticides, pesticides and fungicides, are burdened with the food. But to be able to buy directly from the producer, again has a different quality. The middlemen is off and producers earn more of their products. This means a sustainable promotion of rural areas.

The farm shops is booming, and producers of meat, vegetables, fruit and salad are attempting to market their products themselves or to refine through further processing. On State Unfortunately little is food supervisory authorities for structural reasons. The test is probably checking on the concentration of individual substances. If it is below a certain limit, the goods will be released. In the face of daily many thousand tons of alone imported food such an examination can be just random. But another danger is completely ignored: the interaction of several substances that have accumulated in the food. Also the individual substance is apparently harmless after authorities set a cocktail of various substances of severe health problems and diseases, especially cancer, can cause. This aspect is neither checked nor observed.

These threats alone, the consumer is left with must look where he remains. Some consider but also where it is going, when agricultural production is changing more and more industrial enterprises, with appropriate antibiotics, artificial fertiliser from oil and the many so-called Plant protection products. Smaller farms will be gone if the development continues, soon completely off the map.

Jun 5 2024

The Players

The performance of the players was lower than the swimmers, and more years of football practice the results were poorer. (23) Adrienne D. Witol and Frank M. Webbe conducted a study that investigated the presence of neuropsychological deficits associated with the action to head the ball to play football. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out James A. Levine, M.D.. A battery of neurocognitive tests were performed at 60 football players from amateur, professional and high school players and 12 non-participants as a control group. Examined the effects of pitch in now and the experience to head over their lives in the tests carried out. Players with the highest accumulation of pitching in their lives had poorer results on tests that assess attention, concentration, cognitive flexibility and general intellectual function. Learn more at this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin. In the players nodded in Today was less predictable neurocognitive level. actively involved in the matter.

When comparing individual results with age-appropriate norms revealed higher probability of clinical levels of deficit players pitching more often in their lives (24). To determine the presence of chronic brain injury traumaricas in professional football players underwent neuropsychological tests to 53 professional players in different professional activity Netherlands and compared to a control group of 27 elite athletes in noncontact sports. The players showed impaired performance in memory and processing planning visopercepcion when compared with the control group. Among the professional performance was inversely related to the number of shocks that occurred during the game and the frequency of nodding the ball. Performance on these tests also varied by position in the field with the players front and advocates who allegedly nod more often) showing further deterioration.

Jun 3 2024

Bel AMIS – Folksy Schlager, Who Touches The Heart

The new best of album of the Bel AMIS – from May 15, 2009 in the trade traditionally, welcome, human – based on these virtues the success story of the Group Bel AMIS. The two musicians Lado Maier and Ewald Schumacher remained always faithful to these values over time, and that expires in a world where almost everyone after modernity aims and the folly of youth. And exactly this constant yesterday in the sound of today, is rewarded by the audience due in their music, a little bit. “For 2009, the Bel have AMIS put a next big goal: the participation in this year’s Grand Prix of folk music”. The first hurdle is the decisive break on May 21, 2009, which will be live broadcast by ZDF.

Bel AMIS, that sounds like ball House”and”Tea dance”after hand Kiss be” servant “, and make exactly the likeable duo is also his music. With the velvety voice of Lado and the charm of the familiar sound of the saxophone by Ewald, the two put their listeners in long-forgotten times. We try the good old values to provide and maintain traditions. This is not old fashioned, but stylish and honest, and both young and old can be found in our music”, Ewald says on the occasion of the long association and friendship with Lado. And one thing is very important – the Bel AMIS dancing: we make music to be touched, which invites you to move. How long has some danced a slow Foxtrot, the good old Foxtrot not to mention no waltz or Stehblues. We want feel our audience well and succumbs to the rhythm of our music.” And indeed, the Bel found the musical character of AMIS, which lies between clarity and rhythmic freedom.

Clear and catchy arranged and always with great passion musiziert, meets their music directly into the hearts of the friends of the folksy Schlagers. Early 2009 took EMI Music Germany (Electrola) the romantic Bel AMIS under contract and released 17 of her most beautiful songs on a CD-album – a journey through the history of their own, on the May 15, 2009 a total of honestly, full of love and emotions. Lado Maier notes that: in our texts, terms such as tenderness, happiness and home have a high priority. We try to be always genuine and to meet these values. Feel our fans as unflattering, we sing our songs and how much we may sympathize with others.” “” “” And so unforgettable compositions from MOM “to little sailor”, of a bouquet of Lord’s prayer forget me nots “-you’re my first thought”, which contains the new album as well as her latest hit”. In particular the contemplative side of the duo is revealed in this soulful ballad, which have dedicated their two fathers recently deceased Ewald and Lado. “On May 21, the Bel present AMIS in the wake of the German preliminary decision to the Grand Prix der volksmusik” for the first time their new song Lord’s prayer “in the ZDF. “With this best of” album underline the Bel AMIS versatility and above all honest passion for the folksy Schlager music. Currents and trends come and go, the timeless beauty of the songs of the Bel AMIS, however, exist and touches the people.